Age difference in Marriage in Vedic Astrology

Age difference in Marriage in Vedic Astrology

There are a few parameters which will help you to determine the age difference between you and your spouse.


a)  Check your 7th house and 7th house Lord. If your 7th Lord is Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Sun then, in this case, the difference between you and your spouse will be normal means 5 to 6 years of an age difference and not more than that. 

b) If Saturn is keeping an eye on your 7th house or 7th lord makes any conjunction with Saturn or Saturn aspect your 7th house lord then this indicates that you will get elder spouse and age difference will be more than the normal.

Here, I mention conjunction so here you have to check the degree wise difference of two planets. If degree wise difference between two planets is between 10 to 15 degrees then this is close conjunction and you will get maximum results out of this but if the degree wise difference is more than 15 degrees then you will not get that much effects of that conjunction.

c) If your 7th lord is in Saturn nakshatra that is Anuradha Nakshatra, Pushya Nakshatra, Uttarbhadrapadha Nakshatra then you will get elder spouse sometimes it has been observed in many cases that age difference is normal but maturity level of the spouse is very much than the native.

d) If your 7th Lord is making a conjunction with Moon or mercury then you will get a younger spouse or the maturity level of your spouse will be less than your maturity level.

e) If Jupiter or Sun is keeping an eye on the 7th house or 7th house lord then here age difference will be kind of average age difference 4 to 5 years or 5 to 6 years but your spouse will be very much mature and especially if Jupiter is keeping an eye on 7th house or 7th house lord then your spouse will be kind of a teacher or guide in your life.
If the Sun is keeping an eye on your 7th house or 7th Lord then also your spouse will be very mature.

f) If Rahu is keeping an eye on your 7th house or 7th house Lord then in this case, some unusual factors will be related to the marriage because Rahu and Ketu axis specify some kind of unusuality or unconventional things so here the spouse will be very much younger than your or very much older than you. Age difference will be kind of unusual or maybe geographical difference or cultural difference will be as well.

g) If you are a Male then check the position of Venus in your birth chart because Venus indicates wife, girlfriend, relationships and marriage.

If Venus is keeping an eye on Saturn or Venus-Saturn conjunction then it indicates elder spouse but if it gets any aspect from Mercury, Mars, Moon then, in that case, the age difference will be normal and if you are a female then also check the condition of Venus because Venus indicates overall marriage and relationships.  

Also, check the condition of Jupiter, Mars in your birth chart. If Jupiter or Mars is making any conjunction with Saturn then the elder spouse is indicated. If it is making any conjunction with Moon, Mercury then age differences will be normal. 

Check which planet is Aatmakaraka in your birth chart. Aatmakaraka is a planet which has the first highest degree planet in your birth chart. 

h) Now check the Navamsa chart. If Saturn is present 7th houses away from the Aatmakaraka planet then, in this case, the spouse will be very much younger than you or very much older than you. This two conditions will be applied in this case. 

For example: Suppose Sun is your Aatmakaraka and in Navamsa it is present in 1st house and Saturn is present just opposite that is in 7th house so Saturn is seven places away from Aatmakaraka so this condition will be applied there.
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