Sun in different signs in Navamsa chart in Vedic Astrology || D9 chart || Your actual soul objective in life in Vedic Astrology

Sun in different signs in Navamsa chart in Vedic Astrology

Sun denotes your father, soul, overall personality. The Sun also represents that how is your relation with your father. 

Sun also denotes your confidence level. In Jaimini Astrology, Sun is your fixed Atmakaraka.

Sun shows your soul purpose in life so we can also check your profession or career interest through Sun. 

Before we analyse the planet Sun in the Navamsa chart, We will analyse the Ascendant chart and check the position of the Sun and the zodiac sign in which the Sun is present because it will have an impact on your whole life.

Also, we will check the zodiac sign of  the Sun in your Navamsa chart then we will be able to determine that how the Sun will make an impact in your life, which means that the how Sun will give you the results from its internal soul.


Sun in Aries sign in Navamsa chart:

Aries sign is the exaltation sign of the Sun. If Sun is present in the Aries sign in the Navamsa chart then it shows that the person will be very energetic. The person will have an active personality. This person likes to do adventurous activities.

These people like to take responsibility for the leadership role. These people also like to achieve top leadership positions like CEO, Managers e.t.c. These people also don't like to do lower or medium-level paid jobs.

In profession or business, If any people among the team is taking fast initiative then  we can confirm that their Sun will be present in the Aries zodiac sign. These people take initiative for every work. 

These people will be very courageous and act like a leader because they may inherit these qualities from their father.

If Sun is present in the Aries sign in the D9 or Navamsa chart then this person can go for any Government jobs or authoritative positions such as defence fields, Administration, Army, Police, Navy, Airforce. This person will have independent thinking.

The person will be a freedom-loving person so these people may face little problems to keep relation with other people.

These people like to give orders rather than take orders from people so here, this person may have dominating nature and face ego issues or disagreement but if their partner maintains good relations with them then they do not face any problems.

These people are highly energetic so this person will be courageous. If Sun is afflicted by malefic planets like Rahu or Ketu then these people can face heat or blood-related problems in their bodies. 

If Sun is positively present in the Aries zodiac sign in the Navamsa chart then it will be considered very auspicious placement.

Sun in Taurus sign in Navamsa chart:

Placement of the Sun in Taurus sign in Navamsa denotes that this person will give more importance to wealth, financial security.

This person will have a stable personality. Here, it shows that the person will have an interest related to creative fields like music, dance, singing. The person can be foody and like to go to eat in different restaurants.

The person main focus in life is to save money. They will have a materialistic approach. Here, it signifies that their father is involved or works in any financial organization. The person will have an interest in finance and banking related fields.

They can also do professions or businesses related to the restaurant. The person may face few problems in their married life but if the position of Sun, 7th Lord in the Ascendant chart and Navamsa chart is positive then the person will not face problems in the married life.

It is also seen that when this person goes into any relationship, they offer gifts to their partner. Sun in Taurus sign also signifies that the person will be family-oriented and give much importance and priority to family and their family members.

The person may get possessive and stubborn in relationships because they are very loyal and honest towards their partner.

Sun in Gemini sign in Navamsa chart:

It indicates that this person will have a youthful personality. The person likes to communicate with other people.

This person always thinks about new business ideas and have the interest to start their business. Here, the person will have a curious personality and like to collect new information on different topics.

The person likes to communicate with their father and it is also possible that their father may work in the business field or teaching field. The person will have an interest in teaching, writing, media-related field. 

Here, it shows that the person will have a changeable personality and will not have a stable personality. These people like changes and variations in their life.

They like travelling and these people like to communicate with their life partner. Overall, they will have a friendly personalities. 

They always talk with a smile on their face. They always like to learn or know something about different topics.

If Sun is present in the Mercury related zodiac sign in the Navamsa chart without any affliction then it is in a favourable position to do business.

Sun in Cancer sign in Navamsa chart:

If Sun is present in the Cancer sign in the Navamsa chart then it indicates that this person will have an emotional personality.

Here, they will have an emotional attachment with their father, family, family member and people. Their father will be an emotional person. The person will be caring, nourishment.

It is also seen that this person will have a moody nature and these people always get confused while taking any decision and this can cause a problem in the relationship but we should also check the position of 7th house and the lord of 7th house. Overall, the person will have good intuition power.

The person will get happiness from home and their confidence level depends on their parents and mother and they are soft-hearted people.

Sun in Leo sign in Navamsa chart:

Here, Sun is present in its sign and this becomes a very strong position which indicates that the person will have enough confidence in their personality. They have a bright aura or personality.

This person likes to serve the government or authoritative services. These people will be creative too. These people like appreciation and attention from other people. Whatever work they do, they like that people notice their work. 

They like to dress well to impress people and like to get attention from other people. They are very helpful and big-hearted people. Here, they are a freedom-loving person. Sun in Leo means that the king among all planets is sitting in its sign which is a strong position.

Also, check the zodiac sign of the Sun in the Ascendant chart, If Sun is present in the debilitated or enemy zodiac sign in the Ascendant chart then you may expect mixed results. Your father will possess all these qualities.

Your father will have good confidence. Your father may also work for the government or an authoritative position. You inherit all these qualities from your father.

Here, these people can go for the leadership position. They may face ego related problems due to pride or overconfidence. These people also like children.

Overall, this person will have a strong personality and aura. 

Sun in Virgo sign in Navamsa chart:

This indicates that the person will be shy. They possess feminine energy. They have polite behaviour. 

Here, it can be possible that this person will be very logical and analytical. They want to become a perfectionist in their profession or business. 

They have an interest in mathematics, calculation, accounts. They may also have an interest in healing and health-related profession.

These people also have emotional and mental healing capabilities and meet those people in their life who need healing.

There is one negative point for these people is that sometimes, they criticize themself for any problem. These people go into depth to gather detailed information.

They have excellent communication abilities. They can work as a teacher, writer. They can also work for the finance department. It is also seen that their father also possess these qualities.

Their father will also be logical and analytical. This person gives more importance to communication and likes to interact much with their father.

The Placement of the Sun in the Mercury sign shows the dual nature and behaviour of  the person. These people like to maintain daily routine life.

They also like to take care of their health and follow a good diet. They like to go for service. Their father also works in office jobs. 

Sun in Libra sign in Navamsa chart:

Here Sun goes into its debilitation sign but you should also check the position of Sun in the Ascendant chart. This shows that the person will like justice. These people believe in inequality.

They give preference to equality in the relationship but it is seen that they may face problems from their father. 

These people will come to know their value too late, which means that their personality and confidence depends on other people. They think that what other people think about this person and hence they may lack confidence level. 

They may have low confidence due to their father. Their father may involve in a business-related profession. They also have the interest to go for business. 

The confidence level of this person increases after marriage and through the spouse. When they mix up with other people and interact with them, their confidence level comes in balance.

Their ego get hurts easily when someone says wrong about them and then they become introverted and feels shy to express their thoughts and feelings with other people but after marriage, things become stable.

It can be possible that this person is creative and likes to do creative things, otherwise, the relations with their father will be a little bit troublesome and it can also affect little harmony in the marriage.

You should also check the position of the 7th house and the Lord of the 7th house in the birth chart, from there, you will be able to get information about your life partner nature.

Overall, if these people slowly mixed up with society then they face fewer problems otherwise their confidence level may not be stable.

Sun in Scorpio sign in Navamsa chart:

These people are research-oriented. They take interest in investigation or research related things. These people also take interest in Occult related subjects, Astrology, Tarot card reading.

Here, they may have secretive personalities. The person will be emotional but here, they do not express their emotions hence they may face many transformations in their life.

The relation with their father may go into many ups and downs. The person will be ambitious and courageous. They are passionate and have excellent willpower.

Here, if they go into any relationship then they feel possessiveness to think about their spouse. Here, Sun is present in Mars related signs, it shows that this person may have an attitude to get angry. 

The energy of the Scorpio zodiac may have some hidden side which other people do not know, suppose if they like Tarot reading or interest in Astrology but many people do not know about this person that he or she believes in Tarot reading or Astrology.

Here, they are a freedom-loving person and like to lead other people. They have an independent nature. Their confidence level also changes from time to time because they see big transformations in their life which can change their personality.

Sun in Sagittarius sign in Navamsa chart:

This person likes to guide other people. They get satisfaction when they give good advice to other people. They can give knowledge to other people and do social work. 

They can be a good advisor. They have a belief in God and an optimistic kind of personality. Here, they like to gain knowledge of people who belong to different religions. They read religious books and go to spiritual places.

They like to go on pilgrimage or religious tours. Here, they have an interest in teaching or a law-related field. They like to follow society laws. Their father may involve in the teaching-related profession.

They got positive lessons of life from their father. Their father will be a teacher or a guide for this person.  

It can be possible that these people are freedom lovers. They like to travel to distant places. They like the outdoor life. 

They like to communicate with people and learn different things from people belonging to different cultures and traditions. They have positive vibes in their personality.

Sun in Capricorn sign in Navamsa chart:

These people have a structured personalities. They have career-driven and serious personalities. They may feel some kind of fear in their personality. Their father will also be disciplined and they get this quality from their father.

The father of this native may also stay far away from his homeland. They are very organized and career-oriented people. They have an interest in law-related fields.

Here, if they go into the law-related field then they can get success. Also, they follow society terms and laws. They have a reserved kind of personality. They like to work behind the camera.

They feel hesitation or phobia to speak in front of a camera. They have a serious kind of personality. They are honest with their life partner. They understand their actual value more later.

Sun in Aquarius sign in Navamsa chart:

The person will a have humanitarian kind of personality. They believe in social work. 

They have more interest in science and technology. They have an interest to work with MNC's or the engineering field. 

They have the interest to learn about the latest technologies and gadgets like laptops, computers, mobiles. They believe in scientific research. They are a logical person.

They may also feel some kind of fear in their personality due to the placement of the Sun in the Saturn sign. 

Their father will be discipline. They may feel distant relations with their father. 

They have friendly nature and help other people. They are also freedom lovers.

They are independent kinds of people and they give more preference to friendship in a relationship. Here, these people believe in teamwork and can work for the corporate sector.

Sun in Pisces sign in Navamsa chart:

The person will have a spiritual type of personality. They have an interest in meditation or Yoga.

The person will be imaginative and stay in a dream world. Their relation with their father will be very pure and spiritual.

Their father will also be spiritual. Their father will also be artistic and they also like artistic fields like singing, music, dancing, drama, acting.

The person will have spiritual and artistic knowledge. Sun in Pisces sign in Navamsa denotes the pure soul which shows that the person will have guidance and healing related capabilities. They can also go for a leadership role. They are also sensitive types of people. 

Note: You should also check the position of the Sun in the D1 chart before arriving at any conclusion.

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