UpaPada Lagna: Details analysis of Spouse and Marriage.
UpaPada Lagna tells about the accurate prediction about Spouse and Married life. How will be the personality of your spouse?. It also tells about the nature of the spouse.
How will be the family background of the spouse?. What will be his or her career or professional background?. These all things we analyse by UpaPada Lagna.
It also tells about how long the marriage will run. The duration of marriage will be short or long will be judge using UpaPada Lagna. Will a person face difficulty in married life or marriage will run smoothly.
Marriage prediction is also analysed from Ascendant horoscope and Navamsa horoscope but we can't reach on to conclusion regarding married life without analysing UpaPada Lagna that's why UpaPada Lagna is very important because we get to know about one's married life and spouse in detail using UpaPada Lagna.
Calculation of UpaPada Lagna/ UpaPada Lagna Calculator
As I had calculated Arudha Lagna in the previous post. Arudha Lagna is calculated for 1st house but here, UpaPada Lagna is used to calculate for the 12th house.
Step 1: Open your Ascendant horoscope or Lagan Birth Chart.
Step 2: Look at the placement of the Lord of 12th house in your Ascendant horoscope.
Step 3: Now, check where is your Lord of 12th house is present in your Ascendant horoscope from the 12th house.
Step 4: Now count how far the Lord of 12th house is present in the Ascendant horoscope from the 12th house. For example: If you belong to Aries Ascendant(Number 1) and we see that your Lord of 12th house is present in 2nd house(Wealth house). Now count how far the Lord of 12th house is sitting from 12th house. After counting from 12th house to Lord of 12th house, we found that Lord of 12th house is sitting three-position away from 12th house. Now count again three-position further, we have got (Number 4) zodiac sign i.e. Cancer zodiac sign. Hence, Cancer Ascendant horoscope will become your UpaPada Lagna.
Step 5: Now generate your horoscope with (Number 4) present in 1st house. All planets position will remain the same.
PFB image:
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Aries-ascendant-used-for-calculation-of-UpaPada-lagna |
UpaPada Lagna generated below using above Aries Ascendant:
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UpaPada-Lagna-calculator |
Analyse of UpaPada Lagna- Detail Marriage Prediction
a) Now, Look at your UpaPada Lagna horoscope
b) Look at the placement of the Lord of 1st house in your UpaPada Lagna.
c) Wherever the owner of UpaPada Lagan is present, it will be known that how the married life will be, whether there will be troubles or will not come or there will be a long period of troubles or it will last for a long time or will go for a short time.
d) If the Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in Trik houses. Trik houses are 6th house or 8th house or 12th house. Placement of Lord of UpaPada Lagna in Trik houses is not considered auspicious. It indicates that there will be troubles in married life.
e) If the Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in the 6th house then it indicates that there could be arguments between the husband and the wife. Problems may arise due to enemy or loan or diseases.
f) If the Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in the 8th house then it is not also considered good because 8th house is the house of major diseases and sudden troubles so when the placement of UpaPada Lagan is weak and present in 8th house then it is not considered good.
g) If the Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in 12th house then it is not considered good. It signifies that the duration of Married life can be shorter or person will not have an interest in married.
But it is not true that if Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in Trik houses then a person will not marry.
All things depend upon the dignity of 6th house or 8th house or 12th house.
If Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in good dignity in 6th house or 8th house or 12th house or present in exaltation zodiac sign or friendly zodiac sign or own zodiac sign or benefic planets like Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Moon are keeping an eye on 6th house or 8th house or 12th house then it shows that person married life will be safe although a person can face difficulties during the initial phase of married life.
Let's take an example: Suppose if the UpaPada Lagna is of Aquarius horoscope and Lord of Aquarius horoscope is Saturn. if there is an aspect of benefic planets like Jupiter and benefic planets are also keeping an eye on 1st house then it gives good results related to Marriage and Married life.
In UpaPada Lagna, the Most importance is given to the Kendra and Trikona house. Kendra houses are 1st house or 4th house or 7th house or 10th house and Trikona houses are 5th house and 9th house.
If the Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in the Kendra or Trikona houses then it gives excellent positive results in terms of marriage. These people will have a stable and happy married life.
Let's take an example for Leo Ascendant of UpaPada Lagna. Lord of Leo ascendant is Sun. If Sun sits anywhere in the Kendra or Trikona houses and or keeping an eye on 1st house without any malefic influence in UpaPada Lagna horoscope then it creates strong positive placement to get a highly reputed spouse who may work for the government sector.
Also, look at the placement of Lord of 1st house in UpaPada Lagna.
See which planets are sitting with Lagan Lord for UpaPada Lagna. It shows the personality, family background, professional background or career of the spouse to whom we are going to marry.
Planets present with the Lord of UpaPada Lagna will not be analysed for married life. It will be used to only analysed for the overall personality of a spouse.
Planets present in the 1st house of UpaPada Lagna will be used to determine the personality of the spouse. We can apply all parameters to analyse UpaPada Lagna just like we analyse for Ascendant horoscope.
Now, Look at the placement of the 2nd house of UpaPada Lagna. 2nd house tells about how the person married life would be?. What will be the duration of married life?. Long or short?. If malefic or debilitated planets are present in the 2nd house then it creates troubles in married life.
If malefic debilitated planets like Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Ketu are present in 2nd house and malefic planets are also keeping an eye on 2nd house and its lord then it shows the duration of married life will be shorter and a person may face difficulties.
Spouse health may also be affected by this combination.
If benefic planets like Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Moon are present in the 2nd house in exaltation zodiac sign or own zodiac sign or friendly zodiac sign and Lord of 2nd house is also present in a good house. Also, benefic planets are keeping an eye on 2nd house and Lord of 2nd house then it gives promises towards happy married life.
Also, Look at the position of Lord of UpaPada Lagan in Navamsa birth chart?. In which zodiac sign it is present in Navamsa?. If the Lord of UpaPada Lagna is present in debilitated zodiac sign in Navamsa birth chart or it is present in malefic houses like 6th house or 8th house or 12th house then it gives a clue that the person will face challenges or troubles in married life.
But if the Lord of UpaPada Lagna is well present in the Navamsa chart in its exaltation zodiac sign or own zodiac sign or friendly zodiac sign and benefic planets are also keeping an eye on Lord of UpaPada Lagna then he or she will not suffer in married life although a person might face difficulties in married life. He or she will be able to solve all difficulties.
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Click here for CommentsMy UL is aquarius and saturn is in capricorn in 12th house
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