Jaimini Astrology
Jaimini Astrology is another branch of Astrology which is used for in-depth and accurate prediction of horoscope. Jaimini Astrology is different from Parashara Astrology. To check the overall accuracy of astrology, Jaimini Astrology plays an important role.In Jaimini Astrology, we check the degrees of planets.
For example, Mars is present at 18 degrees, Jupiter is present at 20 degrees, Mercury is present at 14 degrees, Venus is present at 5 degrees, Sun is present at 6 degrees, Moon is present at 13 degrees, Saturn is present at 17 degrees.
There are seven Karaka in Jaimini Astrology.
Below, we can see that who is the Atma Karaka or Amatya Karaka or Bhratrika Karaka or Matri Karaka or Putra Karaka or Gnati Karaka or Dara Karaka.
a) Atma Karaka----------------------------------- Jupiter
b) Amatya Karaka--------------------------------- Mars
c) Bhratrika Karaka-------------------------------Saturn
d) Matri Karaka------------------------------------Mercury
e) Putra Karaka-------------------------------------Moon
f) Gnati Karaka-------------------------------------Sun
g) Dara Karaka-------------------------------------Venus
The planet holding the highest degree in a horoscope is known as the Atma Karaka.
The planet holding the second highest degree in a horoscope is known as Amatya Karaka.
The planet holding the third highest degree in a horoscope is known as Bhratrika Karaka.
The planet holding the fourth highest degree in a horoscope is known as Matri Karaka.
The planet holding the fifth-highest degree in a horoscope is known as Putra Karaka.
The planet holding the sixth-highest degree in a horoscope is known as Gnati Karaka.
The planet holding the seventh or lowest degree in a horoscope is known as Dara Karaka.
Note: Rahu, Ketu, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are not considered when we analyse prediction for Jaimini Astrology.
Note: Check Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Moon, Mercury degrees in your horoscope.
Now comes in Atmakaraka:
Atma karaka and Amatya karaka are the two most important karaka in Jaimini Astrology.
What is Atmakaraka?
Atmakaraka represents overall personality, it represents our 1st house in our horoscope. All the things which represent the 1st house are Aatmakaraka.
Atmakaraka is what is your soul and what are things you have here to learn and what are the situations you deal with the people.
1st house represents our body, colour, physique, mental abilities, overall health, emotions, our thinking, our way of speaking, our knowledge, feelings.
Now comes in Amatya Karaka:
Amatya Karaka is the minister or guider of the soul. The soul has something to achieve in this birth and to achieve that, one has a destination.
It also represents one's career, social status, name, fame, profession. Amatya Karaka is used to check one's profession. In this, we analyse in which field the person will work.
Amatya Karaka helps and gives support to Atma Karaka to achieve their goal in life.
Now comes in Bhratrika Karaka:
Bhratrika Karaka represents brothers, sisters, friends, desire, siblings, writing skills, verbal skills, communication skills, efforts, courage.
All those things which represent 3rd house are Bratra karaka.
Now comes in Matri Karaka:
It represents all things which are related to the 4th house like Mother, Father and Mother both, family, our environment, our house, childhood, vehicles, cars, luxurious items, property, land, country.
Now comes in Putra Karaka:
It represents child both boy and the girl, It represents 5th house. 5th house is the house of the child, education, entertainment field, prosperity.
Now comes in Gnati Karaka:
It represents a 6th house which is a house of diseases, loan, enemies, divorce, court cases, tension, sadness.
Now comes in Dara Karaka:
It represents 7th house which is a house of marriage, married life, spouse, daily wages, relations, business, materialistic happiness.
Also, look at the placements of planets where this concept applies for Parashara Astrology but in Jaimini Astrology, if placement and zodiac signs of planets are present in the good dignity then it gives auspicious results.
Also, if the placements of planets are present in good dignity in Navamsa chart then it can give the most excellent results.
The main difference between Jaimini Astrology and Parasahra Astrology is that, In Parashara Astrology, we analyse the aspect of Planets but, In Jaimini Astrology, we analyse the aspect of zodiac signs.
In Jaimini Astrology, here, planets do not give aspect however it gives aspect indirectly, here the full aspect is of zodiac signs only.
There are three zodiac signs in Jaimini Astrology:
a) Movable zodiac sign or Char Rashi
b) Fixed zodiac sign or Sthir Rashi
c) Dual zodiac sign or Dwiswabhav Rashi.
a) Movable zodiac sign or Char Rashi: Natural horoscope or Kaal Purush Horoscope where Number 1 is written like in, Aries ascendant. We check the zodiac sign of center or Kendra houses of the ascendant.
Center or Kendra zodiac signs are Aries zodiac sign(Number 1), Cancer zodiac sign(Number 4), Libra zodiac sign(Number 7), Capricorn zodiac sign(Number 10).
b) Fixed zodiac sign or Sthir Rashi: Fixed zodiac sign in Jaimini Astrology is Leo zodiac sign, Scorpio zodiac sign, Aquarius zodiac sign, Taurus zodiac sign.
c) Dual zodiac sign or Dwiswabhav Rashi: This represents one's nature for two things at a time. for example Pisces zodiac sign, Virgo zodiac sign, Sagittarius zodiac sign.
The aspect of zodiac signs in Jaimini Astrology
Rule 1: In Jaimini Astrology, Movable zodiac signs aspect on Fixed zodiac signs except for that zodiac signs which are near to Movable zodiac signs. Let's take an example:
We are taking an example of Aries ascendant:
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In Aries ascendant, Number 1 will present in the 1st house and Aries zodiac sign will be there and Aries zodiac is a movable zodiac sign. Hence every Movable zodiac sign will aspect on all Fixed zodiac sign except that zodiac signs which are near to the movable zodiac signs. Zodiac sign which is near to Aries zodiac sign is Number 2(Taurus zodiac sign). Taurus zodiac sign is a fixed zodiac sign but it is near to Aries zodiac sign that's why it will not be counted. Aries zodiac sign will aspect on Number 5(Leo zodiac sign), Number 8(Scorpion zodiac sign), Number 11(Aquarius zodiac sign).
Rule 2: Every fixed zodiac sign will aspect on Movable zodiac signs except those zodiac sign which is near to fixed zodiac signs.
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Let's take an example for Aries ascendant, If we want to check the aspect of Leo zodiac sign then Leo zodiac sign will aspect Number 1(Aries zodiac sign), Number 7(Libra zodiac sign), Number 10(Capricorn zodiac sign).
Rule 3: Dual zodiac signs neither aspect on Movable zodiac signs nor fixed zodiac signs. They give each other aspect in themselves. For example, It gives each other aspect to Number 3(Gemini zodiac sign), Number 6(Virgo zodiac sign), Number 9( Sagittarius zodiac sign), Number 12( Gemini zodiac sign).
In Jaimini Astrology, we can get extra aspects which help to analyse the overall accuracy of a horoscope.
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In Parashara Astrology, If Mars is present in the first house then Mars has three aspects but if we apply Jaimini Astrology then we find that we get extra aspects. Mars will aspect on Number 5(Leo zodiac sign) and Number 11(Aquarius zodiac sign).
To know RajYoga's in Jaimini Astrology, click here
To know about Saturn in 2nd house, click here
To know RajYoga's in Jaimini Astrology, click here
To know about Saturn in 2nd house, click here
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