Mercury in different houses from 7th house till 12th house in Vedic Astrology

Mercury in different houses from 7th house till 12th houses in Vedic Astrology


Mercury in 7th house:

It is the most important house because this house tells about marriage, your spouse and business.

If you are a businessman and mercury is sitting in 7th house consider that you are very fortunate and successful businessman too because your intellectual mind will help you to achieve success in the business.

You are a person who thinks about the business from a logical perspective, not like from an emotional perspective. You look like a business an entity.

If it is making money for you then you will continue and if it does not make money for you then you will shift and put your money in a different basket because it is an entity for you and it is not your family business then you have to run no matter what?. 

7th house mercury gives good ability to think out of the box and creates solutions and interact with people on daily basis. This is a very good combination, especially for the business person.

From your spouse or marriage perspective, you are a person who thinks about marriage from a different angle, you are practical. You also think about your spouse. Knowing them better and leads a practical life rather than emotional life. 

You are very practical regarding your business, marriage and spouse and that is what drives you. You believe in every relationship has two aspects of it. One is a practical aspect and another is an emotional aspect.

For daily business, your mind is very sharp and you can be a very good businessman. The person will be more successful in business rather than doing a job.

Mercury in 8th house:

8th house represents intimacy, astrology, occult science, secret services, intelligence in anything. If your practical mind and your intelligence sit in 8th house then these people can become a lawyer.

To become a criminal lawyer because of the way these people think that no one else would be able to think. You can solve difficult cases in a very easy manner. Your mind will be very sharp and you can get into the deep analyse for any kind of investigation.

For a secreter service agent or a spy or cybersecurity consultant, 8th house mercury is awesome. If you are in the IT field and Mercury is present in 8th house then try to be a cybersecurity consultant. 

Sofware Design and Software development also come under this because you may be involved in designing or developing something which is not present yet but it will be developed eventually once you write code so 8th house is very good for those people who are into software development, cybersecurity, spy, lawyer, secret services and suspense writers. 

Your intelligence is here which is a great sign. These people also can understand astrology. You can also create a new methodology for astrology. 

Mercury in 9th house: 

9th house is the house of higher education, learning philosophy, religion, ethics, father and dharma so your intellectual mind and practical mind is there so constantly, you are a learner.

You are a person who learns more and more and applies your learning in your life. You challenge people mind and philosophy and you bring your philosophy because you are not convinced easily.

Mercury is a planet who are not convinced very easily. Mercury is always eager to ask the question?. They are very law-abiding people. They always try to advise people. You are a very religious person from a practical perspective, not an emotional perspective.

You may go to the temple and worship God daily but your practical mind believes that there is a God or Creator. 

Mercury in 10th house:

10th house is the house of status and reputation, management skills, fame, your long term goals, your career or karma.

This is a very strong placement because your intellectual mind is sitting in the house of action or deeds and if you are practical about deeds and you are always focusing on the results and what are the results.

Results will depend on the time and the resources you are spending on the current situation. You always try to maintain your status by thinking analytically. You apply your action in such a way that gives you more and more benefits.

Very good sign to become a politician or leader. You are focus on your status or image. You know that people will follow or keeping a close eye on your actions so you will think about how you modify or maintain or manipulate so that your image is always bright and people are following you.

Your intelligence is leading your karma. These people always want to know what other people think about them and that's matters a lot. These people want people appreciation and they also work hard to achieve what they believe.

These people don't care what they think internally. Internally you could be anything. You are a person in higher management skills. 

You know how to climb the ladder in the corporate sector because these people can manipulate or play with your image or you can make or show your image very intelligently that people consider that you are the boss. This makes you the boss. This is the best skills that people are lacking nowadays. 

Mercury in 11th house: 

11th house is the house of expansion and your group activity, your social awareness and your future wishes. This is the best house to fulfil your desire. 

You are very active socially. People come and reach out to you for their problems and you help them. You like people connected to you. 

You are a person who loves to have a social media account and you always try to count how many like you get every day when you post a picture. 

You are a person who knows very well how to earn gains. Expansion of gain is the major criteria in your life. You always try to manifest your desires and wishes and also eager to earn materialistic things. 

Emotional people are sad when they see that other people are leaving them but you are not that people who remain sad if someone leaves your group.

If you loose 1 person then you gain 10 more people. You are a smart person who thinks logically. You think from the different side of this wholistic nature where you understand that it is practical life. These people are not emotional. 

Mercury in 12th house:

12th house is the house of healing, spirituality, hospital, expenses, investment.

This is the house where your soul exists in this world. These people are awesome investors. These people invest their money in those things wherein it will bring fruit and grow your wealth. 

Your mind will somewhere think about foreign travels and settling in foreign countries. These people are also working for MNC'S. They are living in their homeland but they are working for a company who are far away from their homeland. 

They use their intelligence for the growth of companies. They may be a person who is living abroad in a foreign land. Mercury in the 12th house can make you a spiritual leader because you know intelligently how to connect with people. 

You like to connect to the practical side of spirituality, not the emotional side. You may have a piece of deep knowledge to understand the reality of life. You bring that knowledge together so close to you so that you can heal people pains. 

You are a practical spiritual leader who thinks about the material benefits also. Your logical mind somewhat not connect with people based on emotions. 

Your logical mind is Rajsik in nature. Mercury only knows how to make materialistic wealth. Mercury first preference is towards materialistic things.
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