October Rashifal/ Horoscope 2020|| Cancer || Horoscope/Rashifal in Vedic Astrology || Cancer zodiac sign

October Horoscope 2020 || Cancer zodiac sign


Venus is present in the 2nd house. Venus is also the lord of 4th house and 11th house. Rahu is present in the 11th house so you will gain financial gains during this period. You may get gains related to property and vehicle. 

Your speech will be more polite during this period. You can be foodie too so you have to take care of your eating habit. You may also gain weight during this month. Avoid eating sweets during this period to avoid problems. 

Sun is present in your 3rd house which is good for your efforts and courage. Sun will be present in the 3rd house till 17th October in your horoscope. Mercury is present in the 4th house so it is good for your home life.

Mercury is also the lord of 3rd house and 12th house so if you are planning to move to foreign then you can try. This period is good for those people who are into the communication-related fields or accounts related fields. This period is also good for your career or job.

Ketu is present in 5th house, there might be a possibility that you may face little detachment with your loved one's or if you are into any relationship then you may face little detachment. 

Mars who is the lord of 5th house is retrograde and will be moved into 9th house from 4th October 2020. Students have to work hard during this period to get good results because Mars is retrograde here.

Mars is also the lord of 10th house who is present in the 9th house. Luck will favour these people during this month and Mars will help you to improve your career but you have to work hard to achieve the best results.

Saturn is present in 7th house so people who are already married should keep patience with their partner during this period. Saturn is in own zodiac sign so responsibilities may increase in married life during this period.

If you are into business partnership then you to face more responsibilities over there. Keep working hard in business to get good results. People who are trying to get married may face delay in marriage during this month. Rahu is also keeping an eye on Saturn so things may get delay during this month. 

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