Cancer and Libra Compatibility in Vedic Astrology

Cancer and Libra Compatibility in Vedic Astrology

The Cancer and Libra Compatibility in Vedic Astrology can be analysed through the first letter of your name. 

You can also analyse Compatibility through the moon zodiac sign present in your birth chart.


The Lord of Cancer zodiac sign is Moon and it is a watery element sign. The Lord of Libra zodiac sign is Venus and it is an air sign. 

Venus is the karaka of comforts and luxuries. People with Libra zodiac sign likes to lead a luxurious life. 

The people with the Libra zodiac sign like to share their knowledge with the Cancer zodiac people related to their profession. Cancer zodiac people like to know the information of Libra zodiac people which can be related to their income and gains.

Cancer zodiac people are always eager to know how much self-respect, benefits and recognition Libra zodiac people are getting in their profession or business. 

Cancer zodiac people also want care from the Libra zodiac people. 

The Moon zodiac sign and Venus zodiac both represent beauty. One is attracted towards inner satisfaction and the other is attracted towards their desires.  

In Vedic Astrology, the compatibility between Cancer and Libra zodiac is sensitive. The compatibility between Cancer and Libra zodiac stay based on trust. 

The Cancer zodiac people generally face problems related to fast mood swings. The Cancer zodiac sign relates much about their home and family. The Cancer zodiac people think much about their home and family members.

Cancer zodiac people take care of their family members. Their emotions can be seen easily from their face.

If they face any kind of problems then these people do not say about their problems to anybody. They love their mother very much and their relations with their mother is very deep and lovable.

Some people with the Cancer zodiac sign are very hardworking and take their family responsibility. If Cancer zodiac people are living far away from their home then they are always eager to talk with their family members.

Some people of the Cancer zodiac like to work near their home city or town. These people have a good relationship with their friends. Cancer zodiac people have a limited friend circle.

Cancer and Libra both have a practical approach to life. They have practical nature towards each other. Cancer zodiac native gives more preference to the ethnic relationship. The Libra zodiac people are very social and business mind too.

The Libra zodiac people like to enjoy social gatherings and friend circles while Cancer zodiac people want privacy and practicality. People with the Cancer zodiac want to resolve all problems at their home without any interference from any third party.

Libra zodiac people are professional while Cancer zodiac people are emotional. 

Cancer zodiac people are also physically attracted to Libra zodiac people. Cancer zodiac people are emotional and caring. 

Cancer zodiac people are trustworthy and also like to think about finance. They also spend less as compared to other zodiac signs. If these people want to purchase anything then they do shopping after much analysis.

The zodiac number of Libra is Number 7. People with the Libra zodiac sign are of balance personalities and they do not panic in any kind of situation.  

They are also emotionally balanced people. These people do not believe in partiality. This zodiac sign understands people very well.

If they want to understand a particular person or situation then they go into details and collect all information and then takes the decision. These people have much attraction towards the opposite gender.

These people also think about their status and overall growth. These people do not have much attitude as compared to any other zodiac signs.

Although they stay in a good house and environment, these people do not like to show off. They also have good speaking skills. They possess a magnetic personality and have logical communication skills. They also have good Grasping Power.

Cancer and Libra Love Compatibility

In love or relationship, the Cancer zodiac has more love and attraction towards Libra zodiac people. Cancer zodiac people like to find the happiness of Libra zodiac people in their small moments.

Cancer people always want to see Libra people happy. Cancer zodiac people are very much aware of their self-respect.

If Cancer zodiac people feels that the Libra zodiac people are more dominating then they may face problems or disagreement in love or relationships.

If you belong to the Cancer zodiac and your spouse belong to the Libra zodiac then you need to be practical and active. You need to adjust according to the nature of your spouse. Also, you should take part in social gatherings.

Cancer zodiac people take their decision from their heart hence they are not practical while Libra zodiac people think and then make their decision from their mind. 

The Cancer zodiac females are charming and beautiful while the Libra zodiac females are also attractive. The Lord of both zodiac signs is a female planet hence both have an emotional connection.   

Cancer and Libra zodiac people have an equal attraction towards each other and due to that attraction, they inspire each other with good conduct and  good behaviour and fall in love with each other.

Cancer and Libra zodiac people can become good friends. They can also become a good life partner. Libra zodiac people thought process can be a little different from Cancer people but Libra zodiac people can give space to Cancer zodiac people in their hearts. 

The Cancer zodiac sign people are also talkative so their subject of the talk is based on family hence the Libra zodiac sign sometimes, do not like these qualities of Cancer zodiac people.

If Libra zodiac sign people say a thing about wrong about the family member of Cancer zodiac people then Cancer zodiac people do not like that.

If you belong to the Libra zodiac and facing any kind of problems in love or relationship with a person who belongs to the Cancer zodiac then you can take them shopping and can give gifts to the mother of Cancer zodiac people to avoid problems. 

Cancer and Libra Marriage Compatibility:

Cancer and Libra zodiac people can marry each other and the married life of Cancer and Libra remains good. Their relationship can be better as compared to other zodiac signs.

Cancer and Libra zodiac people always try to understand each other. The Libra zodiac people also love travelling. 

Libra zodiac people makes Cancer zodiac people roam in different places. Libra zodiac people want to keep the marriage life happy with the Cancer zodiac people.

In Vedic Astrology Cancer zodiac, people are very emotional and sensitive therefore if Libra zodiac people want to marry the Cancer zodiac people then they should accept the emotional and sensitive aspect of the Cancer zodiac sign.

The Libra zodiac people have good management skills. If you are male with Cancer zodiac and spouse is of Libra zodiac then it is considered auspicious for married life. It is the best placement because your spouse can easily manage all household activities. The Libra zodiac people have good self-respect in society.

The Cancer zodiac people can easily trust the Libra zodiac people so Libra zodiac people should not break the trust made by the Cancer zodiac sign.

The ideological differences can be seen in many people but it does not mean that these people do not love you.

If Cancer and Libra zodiac people love sincerely then they can marry each other. Cancer and Libra zodiac people spend their whole life easily with happiness. The Libra zodiac people like the nurturing and caring nature of the Cancer zodiac people.

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