Who were you in the Past life in Vedic Astrology? || Past life Prediction Astrology || Past life Reading in Astrology

Who were you in the Past life in Vedic Astrology?

Today I will analyse that who were you in Past life in Vedic Astrology. The Yoga of your birth chart gives information about your past life.

The birth chart of a newly born baby is created based on the date, timings and birth-place. The planetary positions, Nakshatra and Dashas at that time decide the person origin of birth.


Look at your Ascendant chart and check the below-mentioned parameters which can help you to determine that who were you in the past life:

a) Presence of four planets or more than four planets in its exaltation zodiac sign.


Presence of four planets or more than four Planets in its own zodiac sign indicates that the person had a happy and prosperous life in the past life.

b) If a person has four or more than four planets are present in the debilitated zodiac sign then it shows that the person had done a felony in the past life.

c) If Moon is in the 1st house and present with its exaltation zodiac sign or its own zodiac sign then it shows that the person was a qualified merchant in the past life.

d) If Jupiter is present in your Ascendant or 1st house then it signifies that the person took birth in the intelligent family. He or she was a Brahmin and he or she was an expert in the Vedas. It shows that you were very spiritual in your past life.

e) If Jupiter is exalted in your birth chart and keeping an eye on your Ascendant or 1st house then it indicates that the person was a saint, virtuous, ascetic and prudent monk.

f) If exalted Jupiter is present in your 5th house or 7th house or 9th house and keeping an eye on your 1st house then it indicates that the person was very religious in the past life.

Also, If benefic planets are keeping an eye on your Jupiter then it shows that the person was a Hermit and he or she was very intelligent and excellent at studies. 

If a person has Jupiter-Ketu conjunction in the 12th house and Jupiter is exalted then it shows that the person had much worked hard to get Salvation in a past life.

g) If Venus is present in your 1st house or 7th house then it indicates that the person was a King in the past life and enjoyed prosperity, comforts and lead a luxurious life.

h) If Saturn is present in the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house and 11th house then it signifies that the person had taken birth in the Shudra family and indulged in the sinful acts in the past life. Also, these people were worried and face problems related to their family, home and enemies in their past life.

i) If Mars is present in the 6th house or 7th house or 10th house then it shows that this person had an angry nature in the past life and many people had suffered due to the angry behaviour of this person. 

In this life, due to the placement of Mars in the birth chart, you can face problems in your marriage or married life. Some people may have delayed marriage. Also, you may have some kind of fear of injury or accidents. 

If you belong to the Scorpio Ascendant and Mars is present in the exalted zodiac sign in your 1st house then it shows that you were a Warrior in the past life. Also, if Mars is exalted in 1st house or 6th house or 7th house or 10th house then it signifies you had an angry nature in your past life. Also, you were associated with more courageous deeds.

Mars gets debilitated in the cancer zodiac sign. If Mars is debilitated in your birth chart and Mars is not under the influence of any Neechbhang in your birth chart then it shows that this person had a dispute with his or her brother in his past life. Also, it indicates that this person deceived his brother due to some reason in his past life.

j) If Mercury or Moon is present in the 1st house and present in its exalted or its zodiac sign present then it shows that you were a successful and virtuous merchant or businessman in the past life.

If Mercury is present in the 1st house and present in the inimical or debilitated zodiac sign then the person suffered many problems in the past life and his father was a merchant. 

k) If Sun is debilitated and present in the 6th house or 8th house or 12th house of your birth chart then it indicates that the person was corrupted in the past life.

l) If you were born in Cancer Ascendant or your moon zodiac sign is Cancer then it shows that the person was a businessman in his past life. In this birth, these people are fickle-minded. They get success in their life after facing struggles.

m) If Rahu is present in the 1st house or 7th house of the birth chart then it indicates that the person would not have died a natural death. In current life, Such a person is clever and always get confused. These people lack mutual understanding in their married life.

n) If Sun is present in your 11th house, Jupiter is in the 5th house and Venus in the 12th house indicates that the person was a saint and helped people in the past life.

o) If a person has two or more Raj Yoga in their birth chart then it signifies that the person had done king like deeds and helped many people in the past life that's why they have two or more Raj-Yoga present in their birth chart.

p) Presence of Rahu in the 6th house or 12th house indicates that the person was much worried about their enemies in his past life.

q) Sun-Jupiter conjunction in 9th house or 5th house indicates that you have come here after earning a lot of sacraments in the past life. 

r) If Sun is in its sign and present in the 5th house or 11th house then it shows that you were very loyal towards your father and family in the past life.

s) If the Lord of 12th house is exalted or its sign then it indicates that the person had done good deeds in the past life that's why the planet of salvation is in good dignity.

t) Presence of Rahu in the 8th house tells that the person did a strange and wrong act in his past life. The person took interest in mysticism too. 

u) If Jupiter is present in the 8th house then it tells that the person liked occult science and spiritual advancement in the past life but it also tells that the person had not taken the responsibility of their family in the past life. Their sacraments were pure in the past life.

v) If Moon is present in 1st house and exalted in Taurus zodiac sign then it indicates that the person had taken mother blessings and served his mother in the past life.

Debilitated planet and your past life deeds:

Mars gets debilitated in the Cancer zodiac sign. If Mars is debilitated in your birth chart then it shows that you misused your courage and energy in the past life. It indicates that you tried to grab other people's property in some or other way in an illegal way in the past life.

It is also seen that you illegally grabbed your younger brother property. You also misused your power and position and troubled people.

Venus gets debilitated in the Virgo zodiac sign. If Venus is debilitated in your birth chart then it shows that the person had misused his wealth in the past life.

Also, it shows that the person had hurt the woman in the past life. In this life, If you maintain good relations with your spouse and respect other women and help other females through your money then your Venus can bring you positive and good results.

Mercury gets debilitated in the Pisces zodiac sign. If Mercury is debilitated in your birth chart then indicates that this person had deceived his elder brother in the past life.

The person had misused his education and hurt people by their communication in the past life. Also, this person troubled other people by giving wrong information to other people. If you do repentance on these fields then you can expect positive results from Mercury.

Moon is a very important planet in the birth chart because Moon is the karaka of our mind. If Moon is present in the Scorpio zodiac sign, it means that the Moon is debilitated in the birth chart and not capable to give good results. This placement shows that this person had hurt and deceived her mother in the past life.

Also, this person had taken his mother wealth and did not serve her mother in the past life. It also signifies that you may hurt other people due to your work or behaviour. Also, It shows that you wasted water and misuse food in the past life so here the person should do remedies of Moon to get positive results from Moon. 

Sun gets debilitated in Libra zodiac sign. If your Sun is in the Libra zodiac sign then it is believed that you committed some crime against your father or son in the past life because Sun is the Karaka of father and son. It is also seen that this person had misused the work related to administrative service. It is also seen that due to some of his work, the government has suffered a lot because Sun represents the government. It is advised you take responsibility for your father and follow the right path in your life.

Jupiter is the ruler of the 9th house which represents religion and our fortune. Jupiter gets debilitated in the Capricorn zodiac sign. If Jupiter is present in the Capricorn zodiac sign in your birth chart then it indicates that this person insulted things related to religion and religious activities in the past life. 

Also, you insulted your teachers in the past life. It is also seen that you had created the disturbance in spiritual place in the past life so it is advised you to remorse towards your teacher, gurus and things related to religious after that you will be able to get positive of Planet Jupiter.

Saturn gets debilitated in Aries zodiac sign. Saturn is the ruler of your deed house and gain house. If Saturn is debilitated in your birth chart then it indicates that this person had done some crime related to his career or job in the past life. In this life, If you are not honest regarding your duty and responsibility then Saturn can give you negative results. 

It is also seen that this person had taken advantage of his higher authority. He or she was dishonest in the workplace. Also, it signifies that if you disrespect your elder brother and insult the monk then Saturn gives you negative results.

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