Analyse of Auspicious Raj Yogas in Vedic Astrology
a) If Mercury sits with the Lord of the 10th house and both planets should present in the 9th house.
This indicates that the person will be exceptionally successful. Also, the person gets big success in every field.
The results will be seen more prominent regarding success if Mercury is the lord of the 10th house and present in the 10th house so it is advised you to work on your skills and one day will come when you will become master in your chosen career or profession.
Note: Mercury should not conjunct with malefic planets. Also, Mercury should not aspect by malefic planets.
b) Parivartan Yoga:
The person becomes a great member of his family. Also, the person lights up the name of his family or country or city.
If the lord of the 1st house is present in the 4th house and the Lord of the 4th house is present in the 1st house then it is called a Parivartan Yoga.
The person gets lands, homes and vehicles in large quantities.
If the Lord of the 1st house is present in the 5th house and the Lord of the 5th house is present in the 1st house then it is considered to be a highly auspicious Parivartan Yoga.
Results: The person is the owner of amazing wisdom.
c) Moon-Mars Conjunction:
If a person belongs to Taurus or Aquarius Ascendant and there is a Moon-Mars Conjunction in the 11th house or income house then it is considered to be an auspicious Raj Yog formed by Moon-Mars Conjunction.
Results: The person earns great wealth in his overall life and their child and grandchild never lack money.
Also, the person will be angry and stubborn but he or she will be established and well known in society.
d) Debilitated Auspicious Planet Yoga:
In the horoscope, any debilitated planet is present in the Center houses and benefic planets are keeping an eye on that debilitated planet but the condition is only fulfilled when that debilitated planet should not be seen by any malefic planet.
Kendra houses are 1st house, 4th house, 7th house and 10th house.
Results: The person will get all sufficient amount of those things which debilitated planet represents. Venus is the karaka of all materialistic and luxurious desires.
For example, Venus gets debilitated in the Virgo zodiac sign. If Venus is present in the 1st house or 4th house or 7th house or 10th house and benefic planets are keeping an eye on Venus then the person will get all those things related to happiness, luxuries, comforts and grandeur. The person does not face any problems related to the things which Venus represents.
e) Ketu in 9th house of the horoscope:
If Ketu is present alone in the 9th house then it indicates that whenever the person gets into trouble then he or she will touch the heights of success.
If Sun is also present in the Center or Kendra houses from the Ketu then it shows that the person will also get benefit from their enemies.
Also, if this person goes into politics then luck will favour him a lot and their enemies will also support him so that he or she can win.
f) Ubhayachari Yoga:
Ubhayachari Yoga is formed is by the planet Sun.
If benefic planets are present in the 2nd house and 12th house from the Sun then this Yoga is formed. We do not consider Rahu, Ketu, Moon and Saturn for the formation of this Yoga.
The auspicious Ubhayachari Yoga is only formed when benefic planets are present in the front and back houses from the Sun.
These people live their life like King. These people get good wealth, name, fame, position and reputation in society.
g) Auspicious Raj Yoga to build your own home in a foreign land:
We analyse foreign settlement from the 12th house and 9th house whereas we analyse from the 8th house that whether the person will settle abroad forever or not.
If you are associated with a foreign country and want to permanently settle in a foreign country and also want to make your home in a foreign country then you need to check the below few conditions in your horoscope:
i) The Lord of the 4th house is present in the 8th house.
ii) The Lord of the 9th house and 12th house should be strong.
If the above two conditions meet then you can easily build your own home in a foreign land.
h) Jupiter-Mercury Conjunction:
If Jupiter and Mercury sit together.
If Jupiter is keeping an eye on Mercury.
If Mercury is keeping an eye on Jupiter then we called this Yoga a 'Rudra Yoga'. The person born under this Yoga will be very knowledgeable, wealthy and successful.
Mercury represents 'intellect' and Jupiter represents 'acquired wisdom'. When these two planets sit together then there is no doubt that this person can win the world.
i) Mercury-Moon Conjunction:
Mercury represents 'intellect' and Moon represents our 'mind'.
In Vedic Astrology, If there is Mercury-Moon Conjunction in the 9th house then it signifies that the person will have high wisdom and we can say that the person is genius.
As many people easily get disturbed when they face problems but the conjunction of Mercury and Moon shows that the person has a strong mind and their mind works positively during their hard time. Also, they always get solutions to their problems from time to time due to their high wisdom.
j) Venus in 4th house:
Venus gets Digbala strength in the 4th house.
The condition will only be fulfilled when Venus is not present in the debilitated or dead state.
The person stays happy for whole life. Also, if Venus is the Lord of the 9th house and becomes strong for a particular Ascendant and present in the 4th house then the person will get happiness, fame, prosperity, high status, position, luxuries, comforts and reputation in society.
k) I.A.S(Indian Administrative Services Yoga):
For all Ascendant, the below three conditions should meet to become an I.A.S:
a) Jupiter in the Sagittarius zodiac sign.
b) Mars in the Aries zodiac sign
c) Venus in the Libra zodiac sign.
If the above three conditions meet then it is called Chaap Yoga.
The person holds a strong knowledge of government and governance. Due to Chaap Yoga, the person becomes a state official.
If a child has this Chaap Yoga in his birth chart then he or she should prepare for civil service and their parents should encourage their child to prepare for the I.A.S examination. The person who has a Chaap Yog become the officer of high Grade.
l) Auspicious Mercury Raj Yoga:
If Mercury is strong in the birth chart and present alone in any house in the horoscope then it is considered to be an Auspicious Mercury and the person will this Yoga gets great success in the business field but Mercury should not be afflicted.
Also, check the below-mentioned condition:
i) The planet Mercury should not be present under the influence of Paap Kartari Yoga.
ii) Mercury should not conjunct with the malefic planets.
iii) Mercury should not aspect by malefic planets.
If the above mentioned three conditions meet then the person will get auspicious results and get great success in the business field. The person earns much progress and wealth in business rather than doing jobs.
It is advised to the person who has this Yoga should try their hands in the business. If the person is doing a job then the person must start any business.
When a planet or a house gets hemmed between two malefic planets then Paap Kartari Yoga is formed.
For example: If you belong to the Aries Ascendant and Mercury gets hemmed between Rahu and Ketu then it is considered to be a Paap Kartari Yoga.
m) Auspicious Raj Yoga to get a high position in Government Sector:
If the Lord of 1st house is present in the Center or Kendra houses and also the Lord of 1st house is aspected by benefic planets.
Kendra houses are 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 10th house. Also, any benefic planet should be present in the 1st house.
The person gets success in the civil service examination. Also, the person achieves a high position in the central or state government.
n) Auspicious Venus-Mercury Raj Yoga Conjunction:
Venus-Mercury Conjunction in the 1st house and Planet Jupiter keeps an eye on that Venus-Mercury Conjunction. Also, the planet Jupiter is present in the Center houses from the Venus-Mercury Conjunction.
The person not only light up the name of his family but he or she also lights up the name of the society and country. The conjunction of Mercury-Venus gives great musical abilities.
o) Auspicious Venus Raj Yoga:
Venus is the karaka of luxuries, comforts, vehicles, lands, home and wealth.
For all ascendants, When Venus is strong and present in the 9th house or fortune house and Jupiter is also keeping an eye on that strong Venus then it is confirmed that the person will get luxuries home, many vehicles and comforts.
Also, the person will travel to foreign countries from time to time due to this Yoga.
p) Auspicious Raj Yoga formed by Lord of 12th house:
Lord of the 12th house should present in the exalted sign or Mool Trikona sign or own sign or Vargottama or strong.
Results: The person will be benevolent and his all desire will be fulfilled.
What is Vargottama Planet:
A Vargottam Planet is a planet that is present in the same zodiac sign in any two divisional charts.
Let's take an example: If Jupiter is present in the Cancer sign in the D1 chart and Jupiter is also present in the Cancer sign in the D9 chart as well then here Jupiter is considered to be a very strong Vargottama Planet.
Planet Jupiter gets exalted in the Cancer sign and here, Jupiter becomes very auspicious and the person will get the most auspicious results from Jupiter.
q) Sun-Venus-Moon Conjunction:
If Sun, Venus and Moon sit together in the Center houses and Jupiter is keeping an eye on Sun-Venus-Moon Conjunction then this indicates that the person universally gets respect in the society.
Also, the native gets respect from the King or Government. Also, the people who belong to the higher power or authority respect the native.
If Sun-Venus-Moon Conjunction occurs in the 6th house or 8th house or 12th house then auspiciousness may little decrease.
In Sun-Venus-Moon Conjunction, it is also true that the power of Moon decreases but when Jupiter will keep an eye on Sun-Venus-Moon Conjunction then the power and auspiciousness of Moon increases.
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