Capricorn zodiac sign in all twelve houses predictions in Vedic Astrology || Career Astrology || Your actual deeds in Vedic Astrology

Capricorn zodiac sign in all twelve houses predictions in Vedic Astrology

Today we will analyse the Capricorn zodiac sign in Vedic Astrology. Also, we will analyse that what type of results you can expect from that house in which your Capricorn zodiac sign will be present.

The Capricorn zodiac sign comes under the 10th Number sign of the horoscope which means that the Capricorn zodiac sign is much related to your career or profession. The Capricorn zodiac sign is movable and cardinal. The Capricorn zodiac sign is an Earth sign.

The Capricorn zodiac sign represents your actual public status in society. In the Kaalpurush horoscope, the Capricorn zodiac sign rules the 10th house hence it is a very important zodiac sign.

The person faces challenges concerning that house in which the Capricorn zodiac sign is placed. You have to keep patience regarding that house in which your Capricorn zodiac sign is present then only you will be able to get success.

The Capricorn zodiac sign also represents delay and you may also face boundaries or control concerning that house in which your Capricorn zodiac sign is placed. Also, you may face inner burdens or phobia.

Here, if you want to achieve all those things related to that house in which your Capricorn zodiac sign is present then you need to be honest about those things which that particular house represents.

Here, you have to make your structural and organised personality then only you will be able to achieve those things which represents that particular house in which your Capricorn zodiac sign is present.

You will notice that you will face some problems  or feel burdens with the living being and also you need to obey the rules and regulations concerning that particular house in which your Capricorn zodiac sign is present.

If either any planet is afflicted in the Capricorn zodiac sign or the house in which the Capricorn zodiac sign is present is weak then you may face some problems related to your career.

The Capricorn zodiac sign shows that your goal, duties and responsibility in your current life come from which house.

The general predictions for that particular house in which your Capricorn zodiac sign is present are:

Capricorn Ascendant:


If you belong to the Capricorn Ascendant then your 1st house belongs to the Capricorn zodiac sign. This indicates the more you become responsible or organized as an individual, the fast you get success.

Here, it is possible that in the initial period, you may get a setback in your career. The more you bring changes in your personality, the better will be your public status. Here, you need to work on yourself. If you keep patience then you can achieve much in your life.

Sagittarius Ascendant:

If you belong to the Sagittarius Ascendant then the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in your 2nd house. This shows that your responsibility will be towards your family, savings and finance.

Here, you may focus more on savings. Your career may be related to finance. The profession related to speaking will be fit for you. It also shows that the person talks in an organised and formal manner. Sometimes, the person speaks slowly due to this placement.

Scorpion Ascendant:

If you belong to the Scorpio Ascendant then your Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in the 3rd house. This indicates that the more you work on your skills, the better you get success in your career. If you take initiative or courageously do your work then you will get success in your career. 

Here, you need to work on your communication skills. Also, you need to work on your marketing and selling skills. You may travel to a short distance place due to your career. Somewhere, you can take responsibility for your siblings.

Libra Ascendant:

If you belong to the Libra Ascendant then the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in your 4th house. This shows that, in your current life, your responsibility will be more towards your home, mother and family. Here, your mother or parents may follow structured rules & regulations.

You may feel a lack of emotions with your mothers or parents. The main objective of your life is that how to balance your career and family. You can take responsibility related to real estate or property. Also, your profession or career may be related to real estate or property.

Virgo Ascendant:

If you belong to the Virgo Ascendant then the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in your 5th house which signifies that, initially, you feel problems while expressing your views in front of other people. 

You may feel problems expressing your creative talents or skills so you need to work on your expression or thoughts process. You will make your career in that field in which you have taken education. 

It shows that you have worked hard in your education. Here, you may face challenges in your love life. You will have much good feeling towards matured or old-aged grouped people. Also, you need to take care of the health of your first child. 

You may face delay in first childbirth but for childbirth, we have to check the other conditions too. You may feel a burden towards the responsibility of your child. Here, your child may be lazy.

Leo Ascendant:

If you belong to the Leo Ascendant then the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in the 6th house. This indicates that you may feel a burden regarding your daily work routine.

In your current life, your responsibility will be more towards your profession and daily work routine. It also shows that your focus will be more on that how you manage your profession and daily work routine.

Here, your responsibility will be more towards your health because the 6th house also represents health issues. There is a possibility that you may face problems related to teeth or gums or bones or stomach.

Also, you may face problems related to acidity. It is advised you to do regular exercise on daily basis. This also shows that you ignore your health because of heavy workload or pressure so you need to take of your health too. Here, you can win any litigation.

Your career will be related to the government or law or medical service. Also, you need to take care of your father health because the zodiac sign of the 10th house is present in the 6th house. You can achieve your public status through your job. Sometimes, you feel the burden and get bored with the daily routine job. Your job working hours are long.

Cancer Ascendant:

If you belong to the Cancer Ascendant then your Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in the 7th house. This means that, in current life, your responsibilities will be more towards your spouse or business partnership.

Your spouse and your business partner will bring responsibility to your life and they can make you a serious individual. You will be more practical  and take responsibility easily because of your 7th house. 

Also, this placement will make you more discipline due to your marriage. Here, you can work for public welfare. You will find that work more suitable in which you connect with the other people. 

Your spouse will be much discipline. You may lack little emotions with your spouse. There is a possibility that you will achieve your public status through marriage or business. Your father may be into some kind of business venture. Sometimes, you may feel boundaries or control in your marriage. 

Gemini Ascendant:

If you belong to the Gemini Ascendant then your Capricorn sign will be present in the 8th house. This shows that you will face problems to make your career or public status in the initial days. You may feel little frustration or delay to bring stability in your career. 

The mental stress will always be there regarding your career. Somewhere, in the initial stage, these people do not get proper recognition from their bosses or higher authority. You may feel an emotional problem with your father. Here, your main responsibility will be towards your in-laws. 

You need to be more careful regarding your joint account or assets otherwise you can get issues regarding those things. You may have some kind of phobia regarding intimacy.

If your career is related to research or oil or petroleum or Astrology then this placement will work positively. Also, you can do well in a technical related profession.

Taurus Ascendant

If you belong to the Taurus Ascendant then the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in your 9th house. This indicates that the responsibility is somewhat connected with your belief system. Here, your belief system will be more evolved with a certain time.

You will feel more fortunate in a foreign land. Your fortune will increase in a foreign land. You can perform well in the profession related to counselling or teaching or Astrology or Palmistry or Tarot reading. 

Also, you can do well in the field related to technical science. You will feel a lack of emotions with your father. Your responsibility will be towards your father too so you need to take care of your father. You may do work related to travelling.

Aries Ascendant:


If you belong to the Aries Ascendant then it means that the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in your 10th house. This shows that you may feel some kind of phobia regarding your public image. You always think that what other people think about you.

Here, if you go towards self-employment or work independently then you can take much benefit by doing so. You may also be involved in the profession related to government or oil & petroleum or technical. 

You may also have a work-related to building or Construction. Here, your responsibility will be more towards your career. Also, you need to take parental responsibility in your life hence you need to take responsibility for both, your home life and career and once you keep balance both the responsibility then only you will be able to build your public image or success in life.

You may face a delay to make your public image but if you properly maintain your discipline and patience then it will be better for you because you can get a structured environment.

The age gap between you and your bosses will be very high. If you have a Capricorn zodiac sign in the 10th house then you can reach a higher post at your workplace. 

Pisces Ascendant:

If you belong to the Pisces Ascendant then the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in your 11th house. This shows that your responsibility will be more towards your elder siblings or friends. Your friends may be elder than you. 

There is also a possibility that your father figure maybe your friend. Your earnings will generate through technical or machinery-related work but you will take time to generate your earnings. You will not be able to generate fast income thus you may face problems regarding earning income.

Also, you may not get a big friend circle. You will have good 2 or 3 friends but it depends on which planet is present in the Capricorn zodiac sign and where Saturn is placed. It shows that when you go or join any social groups then you may face some kind of phobia. 

You don't like to involve in groups or communities. Also, you don't like to interact in groups or big communities thus you may get lessons related to that house in current life. Here, Saturn will help you to learn organizational skills. Once, you learn organizational skills then you will become a leader and it will help you to manage and lead a team.

Aquarius Ascendant:

If you belong to the Aquarius Ascendant then the Capricorn zodiac sign will be present in your 12th house.

This indicates that any type of foreign-related work will be best for you. The profession related to medicine will suit you.

Any type of work in which you are working in isolation rather than working in groups will be auspicious for you. If you work in MNC's then it will be a better option for you.  Here, you try to keep your work secret. Your work may be related to hospitality. 

If you have Capricorn sign in the 12th house then your father may have any kind of health issues. Also, it shows separation from father but it depends on other factors too. You need to work hard to build your public image.

If you work away from public dealing then it will be better for you. Here, you may face sleeping disorders at night. Your subconscious mind is working actively which means that your intuition is strong thus if you follow your intuition and then move forward then you will get much success. You may also face expenses in your career. Also, you may face expenses in hospitals.
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December 20, 2021 12:53 PM ×

Thankyou. Your post is very easy to understand.

March 14, 2022 5:27 PM ×

This Blog is Very nice and helpful for information about the astrology.Thank you for this blog.


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