7th Lord in different houses in Vedic Astrology || Marriage Astrology || Analysis of Spouse & Married life

7th Lord in different houses in Vedic Astrology

"Happy Janmashtami to all of you. May Lord Krishnaji fill your life with bright colours, prosperity,  wealth, happiness and peace".

Today, we will analyse the placement of the 7th lord in the D1 chart.

Here, we will discuss, how the 7th lord will make an impact after your marriage.

The 7th lord of the D1 chart denotes your spouse and married life. We can also know the spouse characteristics through the placement of the 7th lord.

Here, we will only discuss how the activities of that house will be highly active after marriage where your 7th Lord is present. For example: if the Lord of the 7th house is placed in the 2nd house then it means that the finance and money-related matters will be highly activated after marriage. Also, family-related matters will be highly active after marriage because you have activated that house through marriage. 

7th Lord also represents the business partnerships thus, if you are planning to go into any business-related partnership then it shows that you are activating that house.

Note: Here, if you want to activate any house and you want that house to work in your favour through marriage then you have to check, where the 7th house Lord is placed.

For example: If the 7th house Lord is positively placed in the 4th house and you have a desire to gain from property-related matters then you will get favour from the property-related matters after marriage.

Now, we will analyse what type of activation you will see in your life and it will depend upon the placement of the 7th house Lord in the different houses in Vedic Astrology.

Also, you have to check whether the Lord of the 7th house is positively placed or not in your birth chart. Also, check which planet is becoming the Lord of your 7th house and also check the Nakshatra's of that planet then only you will be able to conclude.

7th Lord in 1st house:

If the 7th Lord is placed in the 1st house then it indicates that somewhere, you will notice changes in your personality through your marriage. Your will notice the changes in your overall life. 

Here, it denotes that you will marry by your own choice due to the presence of the 7th Lord in the 1st house. 

You may marry a person who is known to your friend or social circle. When there is some exchange of 1st house and 7th house then it shows that anger, domination or ego-related issues in marriage. 

If the 7th Lord is positively present in the 1st house then it signifies that you will be very serious about your physical appearance after marriage and you will be more attentive after marriage. Somewhere, you will notice more betterment in your life path after marriage.

If the 7th Lord is negatively placed then you will notice more about the controlling and dominating issues and your personality will be negatively impacted. 

If the 7th Lord is positively present in the 1st house then it signifies that your health will improve after marriage. Also, you will pay too much attention to your health. You will also notice a devotion attribute of your life partner.

If the 7th Lord is negatively placed in the 1st house then your health may get negatively affected and you may lack devotion towards your spouse.

7th Lord in 2nd house:

If the 7th Lord is in the 2nd house then it indicates that your family will play an important role in your marriage.

Here, it may be possible that the relation of your's with your in-laws be very good. If the 7th Lord is afflicted by negative planets then it shows that you may have some kind of friction with your family members.

Finances and joint assets will be in the main role and either you may face friction in finance or an increase in finance. Also, it indicates that your savings will increase.

The 2nd house represents eating habits and foods therefore you may notice changes in your eating habits. Here, you need to pay attention to what you are speaking because your speaking skills can either bring friction or it can bring harmony in your married life.

The 2nd house also represents marriage longevity and Marriage longevity is a thing which depends on your actions thus, if you maintain good bonding with your family and keep control of your speech then it brings stability to your marriage longevity.

If more negative planets are present in the 2nd house then it arises questions related to the marriage longevity. 

If the 7th house Lord is negatively affected then you are also advised to take care of the health of your spouse because the 7th Lord is present in the 2nd house which is 8th from itself.

After all, it may be possible that due to any kind of sudden event can bring a negative impact on your married life.

If the 7th Lord is positive in the 2nd house then any kind of sudden event will work in your favour.

7th Lord in 3rd house:

If the Lord of the 7th house is present in the 3rd house then it indicates that you are activating your courage through marriage. Here, you will take more initiative and feel the passion to do something new after the marriage partnership. 

It has been noticed that communication will play an important role in your relationship. If the 7th lord is under the influence of positive planets then you will improve or solve your relationship problems through communication. 

If the 7th Lord is under the influence of a malefic planet then communication will create more misunderstanding in your relationship. 

Here, after marriage, you will notice that the short journeys will be more initiated.

Also, your entrepreneur skills will be more developed. Somewhere, you may be inclined toward business after marriage.

If your career is connected with journalism or media then you can get great success in that field.

Somewhere, you may also see the prominent results of the siblings-related issues. Here, it also indicates the beginning of a prosperous time after marriage. 

Here, if you or your spouse is facing any kind of problem and want to solve that problem in your married life then it is advised to choose any kind of light environment, for example, you can go to travelling and long drive and by this way, you can find the solution of your problem. 

There is also a possibility that your mind may incline toward any online-related business. The 3rd house also indicates the online platform hence misunderstanding may be created through any kind of texting or phone calls thus you need to pay attention to this.

7th Lord in 4th house:

The presence of the 7th house Lord in the 4th house indicates that the prominent things related to real estate property or mother or home will happen in your life.

You may either gain property or you may expect a positive transformation in your mother's life. If the 7th Lord is negatively placed then it indicates that you may go outside of your home town after marriage.

If more negative planets are present in the 4th house then it is advised you to stay a little away from his mother's location because if you do this, then your mother's health will remain good.

The 4th house also denotes mental peace therefore you will get mental peace from your marriage if the 7th Lord is auspiciously placed in the 4th house. 

If the 7th Lord is not positively placed then mental stress and anxiety will increase due to marriage. Also, it indicates that the house in which you are shifting may have Vaastu dosh.

7th Lord in 5th house:

If the 7th house Lord is placed in the 5th house then it indicates the Love Marriage. Here, the 5th house represents things related to love or romance. Also, the 5th house is the house of education and entertainment. 

Here, you may either pursue a new skill or degree after marriage or you may also change your career due to the placement of the 7th Lord in the 5th house. If the 7th Lord is positively placed in the 5th house then the marriage can provide you pure happiness because the 5th house is the house of happiness.

How much we are feeling happy from inside will be seen from the 5th house. If the 5th house is negatively placed then you may lack happiness from the inside. 

If any malefic or harsh planet like Saturn is placed in the 5th house then you may not feel marital bliss and happiness from inside because Saturn is a serious kind of planet which bring responsibility and you may not enjoy much.

Overall, if the 7th house Lord is placed in the 5th house then it indicates that you will notice gains after marriage. There will be a prominent role of children in your life.

Your inclination or interest toward spirituality will be seen more. If you do meditation or religious activities or mantra recitation then your marital bliss will remain auspicious.

7th Lord in 6th house:

If the 7th house Lord is positively placed in the 6th house then it signifies that you will notice a big change in your overall daily routine or job after marriage. Also, you will notice that you are more conscious about your health. Also, you  can make changes in your health-related routine after marriage.

Somewhere, the presence of the 7th Lord in the 6th house indicates that you and your spouse may follow the same kind of routine which you both can do together. 

The routine will be related to a spiritual activity  which you can do together. You and your spouse may go for a morning walk or evening walk.

6th house which is the house of diseases, enemies, debt and conflicts.

It is advised to you and your spouse to take participate in some kind of routine and by doing this, the negative results of the 6th house will decrease because you are applying the positivity and decreasing the negativity of all things which relates to the 6th house.

Here, the 6th house also denotes Loan thus, when the lord of the 7th Lord is negatively placed in the 6th house then you will prominently notice the events or problems related to loan or court.

If the 6th house is highly malefic then it is advised you to solve your case without involvement of court and this will be better for you otherwise it indicates losses but if you and your spouse have the same career path then it is considered positive.  

The 7th Lord in the 6th house tells that you can keep or adopt the dog. Also, you can feed food to street dogs and by doing so, you will get positive results in your life.

If the 7th house Lord is negatively present in the 6th house then it shows that you may lack happiness in your life but we should always check the zodiac sign and Nakshatra's of the 7th house Lord before arriving at any conclusion.

7th Lord in 7th house:

If the 7th house Lord is present in the 7th house then it shows that it is considered to be an auspicious placement. If the 7th Lord is positively placed in the 7th house then you will notice that if you have any businessman acumen then you will take more interest in your selected business. 

You may also start a business with your life partner. Here, if the planet is positively placed then you will notice a change in your reputation and social status.

It is also possible that if you have a profession related to public dealing or work related to foreign travel then you will see growth in that field too.

Also, you will notice that the relations with  your customers will be better. If the  7th Lord is negatively present in the 7th house then the problems related to domination or conflicts can arise thus you need to be careful and avoid any argument in relationships. 

If the 7th Lord is very strong in your birth chart and the Lord of the 1st house is weak then you will notice that your life partner will have more dominance over you. If you are planning to go on a foreign journey then it has been seen very prominently to go foreign journey after marriage.

The 7th house is the house of marital & materialistic bliss desire and if the 7th house is negatively placed then the person's marital & materialistic desire will increase and when the person is unable to fulfil those needs then it causes dissatisfaction in marriage.

7th Lord in 8th house:

The presence of the 7th Lord in the 8th house shows the things related to research and you are activating the 8th house-related things in your life. If you have the 7th Lord in the 8th house then it means that you have done more interest in marriage-related research. 

If the 7th Lord is positively placed in the 8th house and you are involved in any kind of research-related activity for example: If you have M.tech or P.H.D degree while researching things then there is a high chance that you will perform better.

Also, If your career is related to research-related activity then you will perform better after marriage. 

If your work is related to government or insurance or tax then you can expect sudden positive transformation because you are activating the transformation house through marriage. 

We should also check the dignity of the planet that is present in the 8th house. The 8th house is the house of rebirth and death, therefore, marriage brings a new beginning and new chapter of life and closes the old chapter.

When the 7th house Lord is present in the 8th house then these people may also face transformation related to their longevity. Also, the transformation related to longevity may happen in the in-law's family because the 8th house is the house of in-laws and you may notice little about all these things before and after marriage.

If the 7th house Lord is positively placed in the 8th house then it promises a harmonious married life. If the 7th Lord is negatively placed in the 8th house then it arises problems related to peace and harmony. 

Also, take care of the lower organs part of your body before marriage and after marriage.

The 8th house is also the house of secrets thus when the 7th Lord goes into the 8th house then it shows that your spouse may also have a secretive kind of nature. If positive planets are present in the 8th house then it is very auspicious to get wealth through inheritance.

Also, you can see the improvement of your joint assets and an increment in finance is also indicated. 

If the 7th Lord is negatively present in the 8th house then it signifies that you need to be careful while taking any decisions relating to marriage.

It is advised you to do a proper investigation of that person to whom you are going to marry. 

The 8th house is the house of salvation. If the Lord of the 7th house is positively present in the 8th house then it indicates that your intuition and spiritual connection regarding spouse and marriage will be very strong so it is recommended to always follow your intuition while choosing your life partner.

7th Lord in 9th house:

The presence of the 7th house Lord in the 9th house signifies that you are activating your luck house through marriage. This is considered to be a very prosperous placement.

If positive planets are present in the 9th house then your fortune will support you more after marriage. Any teacher's blessing or your father's blessing will help you for your good growth in terms of finance, wealth and marital bliss.

It is also seen that you can meet your spouse when you take any consultation regarding your marriage from anyone. This placement signifies a love cum arrange marriage scenario. Let's take an example: Suppose you meet your life partner at college and after that, you talk with your family member regarding your life partner and after that, your marriage gets fixed and you will notice all these things in your marriage.

When the Lord of the 7th house is present in the 9th house then it either shows that your spouse may stay away from your home location or you may travel much after marriage.

If you want to pursue a higher degree then there is a high chance that you will get this opportunity after your marriage.

Also, if you are planning to pursue a higher degree in a foreign land then it is advisable to pursue that higher degree after your marriage. 

Your life partner may have some differences in culture, ethics and belief system and it can also create issues in marriage.

Here, the 7th Lord goes into the 3rd house from itself counting from the 7th house and it means that you may also notice sibling-related issues after marriage thus you need to take care of that.

Overall, if the 7th house Lord is present in the 9th house then it indicates that somewhere, marriage will be prosperous for you. Also, you need to be careful while communicating with others.

It is also advised you to take decisions and actions carefully and not to do anything courageously which can give a bad impact on your image & luck factor. Meditation will help you to overcome all negative problems.

When the 7th Lord is present in the 9th house then it signifies that you will get married according to the universe's timing.

7th Lord in 10th house:

The presence of the 7th Lord in the 10th house indicates that if you are facing problems related to a career change or promotion then all these things will work in your favour after marriage. 

If the 10th house is not afflicted by malefic planets then you will notice much improvement after marriage. 

Overall, you will notice much improvement in your career, social status and reputation after marriage.

If the 10th house is afflicted by malefic planets then you will face problems related to the career or job-change-like situation which is not suitable for you.

Also, you will notice that you are facing problems with the higher authorities or bosses after marriage. 

Here, after marriage, if you are thinking to start a business partnership then you should take advice from your spouse because your spouse's advice will be beneficial for your business growth.

When the 7th Lord goes into the 10th house then somewhere, it creates a karmic relationship with your spouse. Here, there is a connection between two Kendra houses which is a very positive yoga. 

The presence of the 7th Lord in the 10th house indicates that the person faces a few problems related to marriage fixing and problems remain to persist too after marriage because the 10th house is not considered favourable for marriage and marital bliss.

It also shows that you will be very busy regarding your career or work and this may cause you not to pay attention to your family, home and spouse.

You and your spouse will be career oriented and due to your career or work schedule, you both may lack happiness in marital harmony. 

You will instantly notice a big change in your overall family life after marriage. Also, it will bring changes related to the property, home, family, and mother because the 7th Lord is moved in the 4th from itself. 

If positive planets are present in the 10th house then it indicates that however you remain busy regarding your career but mental peace will remain in your married life.

If the 7th Lord is negatively present in the 10th house then it signifies that you will face problems related to mental peace after marriage. 

The 10th house represents the father therefore you will see the prominent event in your father's life. Also, you will see the prominent events related to the finance of your father after your marriage. Here, we can also analyse, how will be your relations with your mother-in-law. 

Whether your relations with your mother-in-law will be good or bad can be analysed through this placement. If it is well placed then your opinion with your mother-in-law will be strong but if it is negatively present then your relations and opinion with your mother-in-law will not be strong.

The Overall conclusion of the 7th Lord in the 10th house is considered to be a very good placement for your career growth, reputation and status.

7th Lord in 11th house:

If the 7th Lord is present in the 11th house then it indicates that your desire will be fulfilled after marriage. Here, you will find a life partner in your friend circle. 

You had friendly relations with your girlfriend before marriage and your girlfriend may become your life partner. There is a higher chance to meet your spouse from your social networks. You will see much improvement in your network circle after marriage.

If you have any elder siblings then you will see prominent changes in your elder sibling's life after your marriage. Your income & materialistic prosperity will increase more after marriage.

If the 7th Lord is negatively placed in the 11th house then it shows that you will face an obstacle in your financial growth. 

The 11th house is also the obstacle house for movable zodiac signs like Aries Ascendant, Cancer Ascendant, Libra Ascendant and Capricorn Ascendant and here the 11th house will work as an obstacle for these Ascendant.

Sometimes, this placement gives problems in marriage fixing and due to considered as an obstacle house, it gives problems after marriage too so it is advised you to improve your actions and effort to get fruitful results.

If you have any elder siblings then they will have an important role in your marriage. Also, this indicates that your friend will have an important role in your marriage.

When any planet goes into the 11th house then it starts giving good results over time because the 11th house is the house of growth.

If the 7th Lord is well present in the 11th house then it indicates that your compatibility with your life partner will start improving as soon your age progress. 

You can face obstacles, although, at a certain time, your desire will be fulfilled especially when Jupiter is keeping an eye on your 11th house.

This is a positive placement and it is advised you to maintain friendly relations with your life partner and it will help you to keep maintain harmony love & peace in your relationship. 

Also, you will notice the things related to unpredictability in your marriage. The 11th house is the house of desire thus there are very fewer people who feel happy from the inside and feel less contented due to the presence of the 7th Lord in the 11th house although they have everything in their life.

7th Lord in 12th house:

If the 7th Lord is present in the 12th house then it indicates that you may have done some negative things related to the 12th house and it is considered to be a negative placement because here, the 7th Lord is present in the 6th house from itself. 

If the 7th Lord is positively placed in the 12th house then it shows that you and your spouse will feel some kind of spiritual bonding between each other. Your subconscious mind will be activated related to marriage and relationships and you will be able to attract the right person to your relationship or marriage.

Here, you are activating all things which represent the 12th house through marriage so here it is advised you take decisions carefully related to love or marriage. If  positive and well-dignified planets are present in the 12th house then it increases the chance for foreign travel & journeys. 

Also, there is a higher chance to get settled in a foreign land after marriage. After marriage, there is also a chance to start the spiritual journey with your soulmate. This placement also shows the past life bonding with your spouse. 

If negative, weak & malefic planets are present in the 12th house then it shows that your life partner may bring losses in your life. Your expenditure will increase after marriage. Also, the 12th house is the house of secrets so your spouse may hide something from you.

If the 12th house is affected by malefic then your sleep patterns will be affected, you may lack sleep and somewhere, you will notice that your and your spouse's health can be badly impacted and due to this, you will notice that your expenditure is increasing.

If any planet is present in the 12th house then it is advised you to be charitable and donate things which the 12th house represents.

The more you donate things, the negative & malefic effects related to the 12th house will decrease and hence you need to pay attention to this. Here, the 12th house talks about sacrifice so here you have to show the sacrifice & adjustable nature in your marriage then only you will be able to create a strong bond in marriage & married life. 

It is advised you to spend your time in peace environment. Also, you and your spouse can talk & meditate together in Hermitage.

Especially the spiritual routine or activities of you and your spouse should be the same and by doing all this, you will overcome all negativity related to the 12th house. 

Also, it is advised you to take care of the health of you and your's spouse to lead a happy & prosperous life.

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