October Rashifal/Horoscope 2020|| Taurus || Horoscope/Rashifal in Vedic Astrology || Taurus zodiac sign

October Horoscope 2020 || Taurus zodiac sign


Venus who is the lord of 1st house is present in 4th house which indicates the financial gains. Gain through property and vehicles is also possible.

Your family/home environment will also good and mental peace will also be there. Venus is also a lord of 6th lord which is very good for a career. This period is good for those people who are into the creative field or artistic field or entertainment field.

Your Rahu is present in 1st house which indicates that your main focus is to focus on your personality. You will like to develop or work on in your personality.

Ketu is in your 7th house which indicates that your current period may not be good for those who are married. 

You may feel a detachment from your life partner or business partner during this period. Your 7th house lord i.e. Mars will be present in the 11h house from 4th October.

It will be present in the Pisces(Meena Rashi) zodiac sign and will be retrograde. Here, zodiac sign is favourable hence no need to worry about Mars but here you may get gains from your life partner or business partner but Mars is retrograde can give little problems also. 

And here, Mars is also the Lord of 12th house which indicates that you have to careful regarding your spending or expenses. There is a possibility that expenses will be more as compared to earnings.

Your 4th house lord Sun which is present in 5th house which indicates that this period is very good for students till 17th October and here your 5th house lord Mercury which is present in 6th house so there is no problem at all. 

This period is also good for those people who are into the communication-related fields. Your Jupiter is present in the 8th house which is a good indication because people who are into the research-oriented or occult-related fields or insurance-related fields will be getting benefit during this month. 

Your Saturn is present in the 9th house. Saturn is also the lord of 9th house and 10th house. You will get favour from luck but for that, you have to work hard and keep patience. Here, Saturn will bring good results but with a little bit of delay. Overall, this is a good period for career point of view.
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