October Rashifal/Horoscope 2020|| Aries || Horoscope/Rashifal in Vedic Astrology || Aries zodiac sign

October Horoscope 2020 || Aries zodiac sign



Your Mars in 1st house will move towards 12th house on 4th October and will be retrograde. Here the zodiac sign is good which will not give much trouble but you have to take care of your health. 

Also, take care of your spending. You may also gain financially during this period. Also, avoid eating unnecessary things.

You must be careful while speaking with others during this period. You should also try to maintain good relations with your family members. 

This is a good period for family relation and love relation. People who are into the relationship can take some decision regarding their marriage. although, this is a good period for students.

Students may face some difficulties in education so they have to be careful regarding their studies. People who are into the job and service, this is a good period.

Mercury is present in your 7th house so this is a good placement for the business point of view. Mercury is also the lord of your 6th house so people who are facing some issue related to marriage or relationship should keep patience.

Mercury is also the lord of 3rd house so people who are into the media, creative field or communication fields then this period will be favourable.

Jupiter is present in your 9th house so you will get favour from luck. If you are involved in some kind of religious field then this is a good period for them.

If you are pursuing a higher qualification/degree then this is a good period for you. Your Saturn is in own sign and present in 10th house which is a good indication.

If you work hard then Saturn will bring good results.

One aspect of Saturn is in your 4th house so you may face a little disturbance in your family and home environment. Your relation with mother may get disturbed. Saturn is also the lord of 11th house which is present in 10th house so you will get gain from your career or profession. As Saturn is also a karaka of delay but Saturn never denies hence you should keep patience. Ketu is present in your 8th house so people who are into the research field may get good results.

People who are into the occult-related field may also gain. The relationship with your in-laws may also get affected.

Overall, the whole month for Aries zodiac people is good for financial gains and if you are making your career, keep doing hard work and do not lose your patience.

People who are planning to move towards foreign lands should try because your 12th house lord is present in the 9th house in own sign which is a good placement and it is a good indication for travel. 

After 17th October when Sun will be moved in your 7th house then you may face some issues in married life and business partnership.

Mercury will also be getting retrograde after 14th October hence you have to be careful if you are running a business.
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