Timing of Marriage in Astrology

Timing of Marriage in Astrology

Today I am going to analyse about the Timing of Marriage in Astrology. When will be that period comes when a person gets a strong chance to get married.

There are many parameters which help to determine for early or late marriage.

In Astrology, Venus is the Karaka of marriage for Male and Jupiter is the Karaka of marriage for Female. 

Also, check the placement of 7th house and 7th house Lord. 7th house is the house of marriage, married life. happiness by marriage, partnership, people looking at us.

If 7th and 7th Lord is well present and natural benefic planets are present in the 7th house and 7th house Lord then it indicates early marriage.


If Natural benefic planets like Jupiter or Mercury or Moon or Venus is keeping an eye on 7th house then it gives happy married life


If Natural benefic planets sit with the 7th house or 7th lord then also it indicates happy married life.

Also, check the Navamsa D-9 chart. Look at the placement of 1st house and 7th house in Navamsa.

Also, check the placement of 7th Lord and 1st house Lord in Navamsa birth chart.

Look at the placement of planets present in the 1st house or 7th house in Navamsa birth chart.

1st house is the house of our personality.

Planets keeping an eye on 7th house and 1st house also help to determine the timing of marriage.

Also, check the 2nd house and 11th house and their lords for accurate prediction because 2nd house is our family environment, our life after marriage. 

Check who is the Lord of 2nd house, 11th house, 7th house. Let's take an example of Aries Ascendant:

Venus is the Lord of 2nd house for Aries Ascendant. Saturn is the lord of 11th house for Aries Ascendant. Again, Venus is the Lord of 7th house for Aries Ascendant. Best chances to get married is when a person phases the transit of Venus and Saturn through 2nd house or 11th house or 7th house. If Venus or Saturn are exchanging their houses or zodiac signs then also it brings marriage Yog in a person life. For example, Venus can sit in  Capricorn zodiac sign or Saturn can sit in Taurus zodiac sign, it means they are exchanging their zodiac sign.  If anyone gets the Dasha of Planets present in the 2nd house or 11th house or 7th house provides great chances to get married.

11th house is the house of income, our wishes or desire, achievement or fulfilment. Also, check Lord of 2nd house.

Note: Check the age of the person who is going to get married. If a personage is 12 or 13 and that person is getting Dasha of marriage then it does not mean that he or she will get married during that period because he or she is not capable/settled to get married at this stage of life. 


a) The most important three periods in which a person gets a chance to get married. That three-period are Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha. One should also look at the Sukshma Dasha and transit to do accurate prediction regarding the Timing of Marriage in Astrology.

b) When a person gets the Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha of 7th Lord then it gives strong chances to get married.

c) Planets present in the 7th house also gives a great indication of a marriage.

A person gets married during the Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha of planets present in the 7th house.

d) Person's age is worth marriage only then study further for marriage.

e) When a person phasing the Dasha of those planets who are keeping an eye on 7th house or 7th lord bring the marriage in someone's life.

f) Also, check 5th house because 5th house and its Lord represents the benefit earned from marriage. 

There is a chance to get married during the Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha of 11th house or 11th Lord also because 11th house is also considered as marriage house as per Maharishi Parashar.

h) When the Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantardasha run of 1st house lord then it gives marriage yoga.

i) In Navamsa chart, check the 7th house Lord placement. 

When the Mahadasha, Antardasha, Pratyantar Dasha run of 7th house Lord then it gives Marriage Yoga in a birth chart.

j) Check who is your Darakaraka in your horoscope. Darakaraka is a part of Jaimini Astrology. To know the Darakara, check all planets and find that planet who is present in the horoscope with the lowest degree.

The most powerful Dasha of planets in which one get higher chances to get married are:

a) Mahadasha of Planets: Rank 1

b) Antardasha of Planets: Rank 2

c) Pratyantardasha of Planets: Rank 3

When a person phasing the Mahadasha of the planets who are making relation with the above-mentioned parameters then it gives the most powerful Yoga to get married.

Second Priority is given to the Antardasha of the planets who are making relation with the above-mentioned parameters gives the second powerful Yoga to get married.

Third Priority is given to the Pratyantardasha of the planets who are making relation with the above-mentioned parameters give the third powerful Yoga to get married.

When someone phasing the Mahadasha of the Lord of all planets gives a higher chance to get married.

Darakaraka and transit play an important role to get married. Without the effects of Darakara and transit, a person can't get married at the right time. 

If a Mahasasha or Antardasha or Pratyantar or Sukshmadasha is not running but when a person gets a Chardasha of planets then it also helps the person to get married.

When we talk about the Chardasha of Planets, We should look at the Darakaraka of Planets. I have already posted about the Chardasha in Jaimini Astrology. Char Dasha runs based on zodiac sign, not based on Planets. Char Dasha is also a part of Jaimini Astrology. 

If Jupiter is your Darakaraka. Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius zodiac sign and Pisces zodiac sign. 

When a person gets the Dasha of Lord of Sagittarius zodiac sign and Pisces zodiac sign then it gives excellent Yoga to get married.

If Venus is your Darakaraka. Venus is the lord of Taurus zodiac sign and Libra zodiac sign.

When a person gets the Dasha of the lord of Taurus or Libra then it gives excellent Yoga to get married.

When a person passes through the Mahadasha or Antardasha or Pratyantardasha of Guru or Venus, then it gives an excellent strong Yog to get married.

Venus and Jupiter give a strong indication to get married. These planets represent marriage. These planets represent relationship or marriage.  When there will be a strong influence of Jupiter or Venus on 7th Lord then it gives marriage Yoga.

In Navamsa chart also, Jupiter and Venus are keeping an eye on 7th Lord or when they conjunct with 7th Lord or 7th house and a person also passes the Mahadasha of Jupiter or Venus then it gives 100% chances to get married in this time frame.

Rahu and Ketu are also responsible to bring Marriage Yoga in a horoscope.

 When Rahu or Ketu makes a relation with the 7th house or 7th house Lord.

When Rahu or Ketu are present in the 7th house or when Rahu or Ketu keeps an eye on 7th house or 7th house Lord or when Rahu or Ketu conjunct in 7th house or with 7th house Lord. Also, the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Rahu or Ketu is running then it gives Marriage Yoga.

In Navamsa chart also, if there is an influence of Rahu or Ketu on 7th Lord indicates marriage Yog.

Look at the Nakshatras of Rahu or Ketu in which it is present. It also depends upon the Nakshatras of Rahu or Ketu that a person will get married in which Mahadasha or Antardasha.

There is a chance to get married during the Antardasha of 7th house Lord.

Check your Ascendant horoscope or Lagna. Check who is the Lord of your 7th house. A person gets married during the Mahadasha or Antardasha or Pratyantardasha of 7th house Lord.

Transit definition is: Planets moves at every 24 hours in the different zodiac sign. Planets are not fixed. Planets moving on one zodiac sign change their position when they come into other zodiac sign that's why people life keeps on changing time to time. This happens when the transit of different planet initiates in their life.

Jupiter or Venus transit is very important.

when Jupiter or Venus making transit on the 7th house Lord


When Jupiter or Venus making transit on the 1st house Lord or 7th house Lord then these situations gives marriage Yoga.

When Venus or Jupiter making transit on the 1st house or 7th house then it gives Marriage Yoga.

Also, When Jupiter or Venus transit is on 5th house or 9th house or 1st house Lord then it provides marriage Yoga to a person.

Ashtakvarga table is also analysed to determine the timing of Marriage.

Navamsa Chart D-9 analysis with an example:

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Note: All parameters are the same for both Ascendant horoscope and Navamsa Chart D-9 analysis:

a) Look at your 1st house in Navamsa. Suppose you belong to Aries Ascendant. (Number 1) Aries zodiac sign is written in your 1st house.

b) Now check who is the lord of 1st house for Aries Ascendant in your Navamsa chart. Mars is the Lord of 1st house for Aries Ascendant. 

c) Now check who is the lord of 7th house in your horoscope for Aries Ascendant in your Navamsa chart. Venus is the Lord of 7th house for Aries Ascendant.

If Mars Mahadasha or Venus Mahadasha is running then a person gets married. 


When Mars Mahadasha under Venus Antardasha is running then it gives strong chances to get married.


When Jupiter Mahadasha under Mars Antardasha is running then it gives 30% chances to get marriage proposals.

Now Look at your D-9 chart from 7th house Lord. Now we see that Venus is the lord of 7th house and Venus Mahadasha under Mars Antardasha is running OR Venus Mahadasha under Venus Antardasha is running then it gives strong Marriage Yoga.


If Sun or Mercury is present in the 7th house in your D-9 Navamsa chart and Mahadasha or Antardasha of Sun or Mercury is also running then also it gives strong marriage Yoga.


If Sun or Mercury is present in the 1st house. Sun or Mercury always keep an eye on the 7th house from where it is present and when Sun or Mercury keep an eye on 7th house in D-9 chart then a person gets married during the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Sun or Mercury.

Reason for Late marriage:

Note:  If there will be Malefic influence on 7th house and its lord then it indicates late marriage.

If the lord of 7th house is present in the Trik houses then it also indicates late marriage. Trik houses are 6th house or 8th house or 12th house.

If the lord of 7th house is present in the debilitated zodiac sign then it gives Late marriage Yoga.

If the lord of  7th house is set off with the Sun also gives late Marriage Yoga.

If malefic planets are keeping an eye on the 7th house Lord then it indicates Late marriage.

If the lord of 7th house conjunct with the malefic planets also gives Late marriage Yoga.

When malefic planets are present in the 1st house, 2nd house,7th house, 8th house then it causes a delay in marriage.

Reason for Early marriage:

When benefic planets are present in the 1st house, 7th house, 2nd house, 11th house, 8th house then it indicates early marriage.

When Lord of 1st house, Lord of 7th house, Lord of 2nd house, Lord of 11th house are present with the benefic planet is also an indication for early marriage.

Also, look at the placement of planets in the D-9 Navamsa chart. The same condition will apply for D-9 Navamsa chart.

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn also tell about the timing of marriage in Astrology.

When double transit initiates for Saturn or Jupiter on 7th house or 7th house Lord then marriage time is fixed.

When Jupiter transit arises from Moon to 7th house also decides for the timing of Marriage in Astrology.

In Navamsa chart, when Rahu transit occurs in 7th house or occurs in Lord of 7th house also bring marriage.

Rahu has three Nakshatra's: Ardra, Swati and Shatabhisha which helps the person to get married.  

Look at the Placement of Saturn in a horoscope. Check Saturn is present in which zodiac sign. Check when Saturn is going to transit in Libra zodiac sign because one can get a marriage proposal during that time.

Timing of Marriage in Palmistry:

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a) Check your Palm. If you are male then look at your Left hand and If you are a Female then look at your Right hand.

b) Marriage lines are present below the little finger and above the heart line at the corner of Mercury mount.

b) There will be parallel lines present on your palm above heart line which is known as marriage lines. That lines could be one or two or three. If anyone has two or three marriage line then it does not mean that person will do two or three marriage. Two or three marriage lines represents that a person may have a deep attachment with someone. It could also be love affairs lines. 

If any marriage line bent downward indicates break up in love affairs.


If any other line crosses the marriage line also is an indication of a breakup.

Note: The clearest and deep marriage line will be considered as a marriage line among all marriage lines.

The closer the marriage lines present near above the heart line indicates early marriage. If the marriage lines are present far away above the heart line indicates late marriage.

To know about Spouse appearance in Vedic Astrology, click here

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